National Chocolate Mousse Day

National Chocolate Mousse Day is a holiday that’s observed on April 3rd every year and is a day dedicated to one of the most elegant desserts available. The chocolate mousse is a dessert that’s made with whipped egg whites and/or whipped cream and flavored with chocolate. It’s a dessert that can be made sweet or savory according to how it’s made, and it’s a dessert that’s been around for at least 250+ years. So eating chocolate mousse is a little bit like tasting a piece of history

The History Of Chocolate Mousse

Although we failed at uncovering the history of National Chocolate Mousse Day, we were successful in uncovering the history of this rich dessert. Chocolate mousse can be traced back to France in the late 1700s to the savory mousses of the time. This is a time when the French were experimenting with various desserts made with chocolate, liqueurs, coffee, and different types of foams, but most of these creations would be savory and not sweet. True chocolate mousse would come out of these experiments near the end of the 19th century and would enjoy almost immediate popularity in Europe at the time.

Americans would become introduced to chocolate mousse on a widespread basis thanks to the Food Exposition that was held at Madison Square Garden in 1892 in New York City. Slowly, Americans began to make their own forms of chocolate mousse, but this dessert wouldn’t gain a lot of traction until the 1930s. This is when chocolate pudding mixes were introduced to the public and allowed the average consumer to easily make chocolate mousses at home. 

Some Tasty Facts About Chocolate Mousse

During the course of all of our research, we’ve come across some tasty facts about chocolate mousse that we’d like to share with everyone reading this holiday. Let’s take a quick look at them and see how they can contribute to the celebration of this holiday.

  • Chocolate mousse can be frozen and turned into ice cream.
  • Chocolate mousse can be piped to make hors d’oeuvres.
  • Up until the 1950s, some Americans enjoyed a fish mousse as a type of dip.
  • The mousse was not named and is not associated with the animal moose. 
  • Technically speaking, chocolate mousse is actually an edible foam.
  • There are white chocolate mousse recipes for people who are interested in making them.
  • In French, chocolate mousse is called “Mousse au Chocolate.”
  • Even though they tend to be high in sugar, chocolate mousses also have plenty of calcium as well. 

Observing National Chocolate Mousse Day

National Chocolate Mousse Day can be celebrated by making your own chocolate mousse and sharing it with friends and family, or by buying one of the many store-bought chocolate mousses that can be found in the grocery store. While enjoying your mousse, make sure to use the hashtag #NationalChocolateMousseDay on your social media accounts to spread the word about this holiday.

When is it?
This year (2024)
April 3 Wednesday
Next year (2025)
April 3 Thursday
Last year (2023)
April 3 Monday
Food & Drinks