National Find a Rainbow Day

April showers not only bring May flowers, but they also create the perfect rainbow conditions for the month of April. That’s probably why April 3rd is National Find A Rainbow Day—a day in which everyone is encouraged to go outdoors and find a rainbow. What’s going to be at the end of that rainbow? Well, we don’t know, but according to popular legends, there are pots of gold or even other worlds at the end of them. Although that isn’t likely, it’s still a good holiday to head outdoors, get some fresh air and see if you can find your own rainbow. 

Facts About Rainbows

Unfortunately, we were unable to find any information about who invented National Find A Rainbow Day. However, what we did find was a lot of fun and interesting information about this colorful natural phenomenon. Let’s take a look at some of these rainbow facts before we talk about how this holiday should be celebrated. 

  • In Latin, arcus pluvious means rainy arch—the Ancient Romans name for the rainbow.
  • Speaking of the Ancient Romans, they believed that rainbows were a path created by the god Iris. 
  • Rainbows feature in many myths and religions all over the world. 
  • The Rainbow Bridge is a collection of poetry works that tell of an other-worldly place where pets go after death.
  • Rainbows that occur by the light of the moon are aptly named Moonbows. 
  • Rainbows occur when white light is split into its different colors on the spectrum by water droplets.
  • Rainbows don’t actually have stripes, the color gradation is continuous. 
  • The human mind places the stripes into the rainbow. 
  • Bifröst is the mythical bridge that connected Midgard (Earth) with Asgard (the realm of the gods) in Norse mythology. 

Children’s Books About Rainbows

Reading a book about rainbows is also a great way for parents to spend this holiday with their children. There are a surprisingly large collection of books that are either about rainbow or feature rainbows in their stories. Below are a few of them. 

  • A Rainbow Of My Own by Don Freeman
  • The Rainbow Book by Kate Ohrt
  • Curious George Discovers The Rainbow by H.A. Rey
  • Rainbow Stew by Cathryn Falwell
  • Encyclopedia Of Rainbows: Our World Organized By Color by Julie Seabrook Ream

Observing National Find A Rainbow Day

Observing this holiday is as easy as going out and looking for the rainbow. However, if it hadn’t rained in a while, it might be difficult to find a natural rainbow, so you might have to make your own. You can do that using a garden hose and some sunlight, or you can buy a prism that splits white light into different colors. You can also spend the day watching The Wizard Of Oz or by making rainbow-themed food. And while you’re celebrating this holiday, don’t forget to use the hashtag #NationalFindARainbowDay to let everyone know you’re celebrating this colorful holiday. 

When is it?
This year (2024)
April 3 Wednesday
Next year (2025)
April 3 Thursday
Last year (2023)
April 3 Monday
Nature & Environment, Weird & Obscure